From Monday mornings to heart-wrenching circumstances, from insurmountable problems to ‘just one of those days’. How often have you wanted to hide away in a warm and safe shelter, knowing that someone on the outside is on your side?
As adults we need a refuge, a place of safety and comfort. The children in our care need this just as much as we do, and the wonderful truth is that God can be this for us all. This activity aims to open up conversations about fear, safety, protection and God’s love, and was inspired by Psalm 91:4;
“He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge”
and the Same Boat Music song ‘Simply Trusting Jesus’.
In this activity you will make a feathered wing together. As you stick on the feathers or thread the ribbon you can talk about what things you might feel you need protecting from, things that are scary or seem wildly out of your control. Then build a den with whatever you can find (this can be indoors or outdoors), and hang the wing above the entrance. Then it’s a chance to snuggle down, or play in that space, listen to ‘Simply Trusting Jesus’ and read the Bible verse.
This creates a relaxed but intentional opportunity to chat about how it feels to be sheltered and protected, and how God does this for us whenever we ask. It’s an opportunity to connect the physical feeling of comfort and safety with an emotional and spiritual truth - that we always have a place to hide and retreat to in God. It’s also a chance to talk about the different images that are used to try and describe what our indescribable God is like i.e. a huge creature with feathered wings that protects us (Psalm 91) or a spring of water that never stops flowing with love and life for us (John 4).
Doing this activity with children, whether as a family, toddler group or a Sunday School, creates an opportunity to talk about how we all feel at times; that we need somewhere to hide, we need a place of safety that we can run to, and that God promises to be this for us. What an amazing and comforting truth!
You will need:
White paint
PVA glue
Den-making materials
Song ‘Simply Trusting Jesus’.
1: Draw a wing shape onto the cardboard.
2: Paint with white paint and PVA glue.
3: Stick feathers starting from the outside edge, layering up as moving inwards.
4: Make two holes in the cardboard and thread the ribbon through.
5: Make a den out of anything you can find!
6: Hang the wing over the entrance and snuggle down for a chat or play time.
If you would like to sing this song as part of your Sunday school or Kid’s Group you can download the lyrics and music here.