It's A Party! - Nativity
By: Mark & Helen Johnson
The invitations were unusual... the guests were unlikely... and the venue was unconventional. But what a party! More than two thousand years after the Christmas story first began, the celebrations still continue. Whilst Mary and Joseph make their way to Bethlehem, we follow the progress of the angels as they deliver invitations. Those lucky enough to be included on their guest list will get to attend a most unconventional party.
Running Time: 30 minutes approx
Age Range: 5-9 years
Sample Script: Sample Script
Cast List: Character List and Staging Suggestions
Videos: Suggested choreography videos
This product includes a copy of the It's A Party! Book and CD with music scores, script, staging ideas, character list and more, an instantly accessible digital version will also be included. An annual performance license will be issued with your purchase allowing you to perform this Nativity. For more information on performance licenses please click here.
Two Thousand Years Ago
Bumpy Journey
No Accommodation
There Were Shepherds
Hey, Ho, Away We Go!
Go To Sleep
Wise Men
In A Stable
It's A Party!