Everyone Loves A Baby! - Nativity
By: Mark & Helen Johnson
Everyone loves a baby. Well nearly everyone. The normally cheerful children of a Bethlehem innkeeper aren’t so sure about babies – their newly-born brother is very noisy and a bit smelly. Heading off to see their friend, the children discover news of a special and unusual baby about to be born… baby Jesus. Will they end up liking babies after all? Everyone Loves A Baby! is a delightfully endearing nativity musical for 3-7 year olds with a humorous script and 7 exciting new songs.
Total Running Time: 30 minutes approx
Sample Script: Sample Script
Cast List:Character List and Staging ideas
Videos: Suggested choreography and crafts
This product includes a copy of the Everyone Loves A Baby! book and CD with music score, script, staging ideas, character list and more, an instantly accessible digital version will also be included. An annual performance license will be issued with your purchase allowing you to perform this Nativity. For more information on performance licenses please click here.
Clip Clop Won't Stop!
Please Stop Knocking!
Angels Singing
The Happy Shepherds
Come To The Stable
Everybody Join In The Party!