Our @ HOME page features some carefully chosen songs for Churches and families and include ideas for prayer, worship, wow and wonder and plenty to talk about! These are challenging times for us all, but we hope we can help grow some faith and celebration together with these new song-based resources.
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As One
Singing this song as a church, family or children's ministry can help build unity, trust and teamwork, while exploring conflict and resolution.

Extraordinary Me! Extraordinary You!
A feel-good song for celebrating the uniqueness of who we are. With each other’s help, we can truly appreciate our individuality without the need for comparison.

Thank You Lord
An uplifting song that reminds us to thank God for everything, because all He gives is good. You could try singing this in two parts, with half of the family singing the echo then joining back together for a heartfelt chorus!

Good To Us
Invite some goodness into your home! This simple and powerful song is perfect for all ages to sing together.

Parts Of A Body
A fun song that brings the image of the church as a body to life! Even in these socially distant times, this song reminds us that we are connected, “we are the parts of the body, every person belonging”.

Everywhere Around Me
Who designed the wonders of nature? Who gave life to me? We can see the hand of God in His incredible creation all around us. So, let’s sing about it!

Count Your Blessings
Count your God-given blessings and dance to the steel drums, it’s a guaranteed mood-improver! This song helps us to dance and sing our way out of the grumps and into praise for all that God has done.

Up Times, Down Times
There’s a lifelong message packed into this jolly tune: God is worthy of praise at all times. It’s also crying out for your own actions, so have a go! See if you can keep them up as the song gets faster!

Love The Lord Your God
This is a brilliant song about the Greatest Commandment. The jazzy rhythm and catchy tune will leave Jesus’ words dancing round your mind all day.

You Are Wonderful
A cheerful tune packed with praise, reminding us all of God’s faithfulness and love.

We hope you enjoy exploring our FREE @ HOME children’s worship songs and additional faith-based family devotional resources for home learning during these difficult times. We are happy for you to share the link to these resources with other parents, children’s ministry workers to engage with the activities or just learn to sing the songs – we don’t mind - but we hope you have fun doing it!
If you're looking for additional activities we have even more craft ideas on our video page and activity ideas on our blog!
*Out of the Ark Group Ltd reserves the right to remove this free service at any time. Usage of material available from this @ HOME website page is restricted for at-home use only and is not to be embedded or distributed via any commercial or non-commercial platform without the express permission of Out of the Ark Group. Please take a look at our Terms & Conditions to see how you can use our @HOME songs in the coming weeks to ensure you do not infringe copyright rules.